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What Training Option is Best for You?

Mary Puppins Dog Training is about being accessible for all types of dog owners and dogs.  You'll see this reflected in our multiple services offered and unbeatable prices.  Our goal is helping owners and their dogs. Whether your dog is a new puppy needing to start off on the best foot possible or you have what our academy dubs the "Sweet but Psycho" type and you need help managing their tricky behavior, there's a Game Plan for that! If you have any questions feel free to message or call us at 619-786-3121 to discuss and choose a training option for your specific needs. 

Training Options​

Home Schooling 



Private Sessions

Private sessions take place in your home. They are about 1-1.5 hours long. The initial session includes a consultation to review your specific lifestyle and goals, personal management plan to your dog up for success and tutorial on the training games designed for your dog. 

Initial sessions $150

Continuing sessions $100 each

Packages post Initial:

3 sessions $250

5 sessions $400

*$25 additional for multidog sessions

 or traveling + 30 miles of San Diego County



"I love the approach she has to training. She customizes the training to suit what you want to work on with your dog, and focuses on behaviors rather than tricks (but can also help work on specific commands or goals). We've seen huge improvement in our dog's abilit to focus and leave rabbits alone. He has a huge prey drive so this has helped so much. We also love that the gets to choose to make better decisions, so once he's learned what a good decision is he's often able to make the decision on his own. He has fun, we have fun and we're all learning at the same time" 

Richenda, Hampton's mom


To get started:

please fill out a client form. Select which training option(s) you are interested in and I'll contact you to schedule



1 on 1 Training Visits

These training options are to help clients get training in daily to expedite their progress. 1 on 1 training visits can be scheduled regularly or periodically as needed.


Walk & Train 30min

$50/ single

$125/ 3 pack

$200/ 5 pack

+$25 more than 2 dogs


Training Field Trips/ Adventures 1hr

$75/ single

$200/ 3 pack

$325/ 5 pack

+$25 more than 2 dogs


Reactivity Workshops

Reactivity Workshops are to help clients view a training session and Q&A for troubleshooting the games based approach for common reactive dog struggles. In order to not put our reactive dogs under more stress this is a human only event as I will work with a solo dog and my demo dog. 


Workshops are held 1x month

$25/ family

Please RSVP by sending payment through

Venmo, Zelle or PayPal to


Group Classes


SoCal Pupper Life Course

These group classes can help you transform your dog into the best version of themselves so they are "practically perfect in every way!" Classes will be held at various SniffSpot locations around San Diego for in person attendance. Lessons will also be posted in a Facebook Group dedicated to the class for anyone that wants to attend virtually. Each week will include a Facebook Live and individual check ins mid week. Each class will be a variety of skills to live the practically perfect "SoCal Pupper Lifestyle". 


Skills Covered:

Puppyhood & Adolescence Struggles

Desire for Obedience 

Leash Manners


Mental and Physical Fitness Outlets

Cooperative Care

Neutrality and Socialization

Boundaries and Kennels


$50/drop in class

$125/ 3 classes

$400/ 10 Classes 

Saturdays 10am



 Snappy Solution Courses (3 Class Courses)



 Recall Bootcamp

Wish your dog would enthusiastically run back to you when you call them? This 3 class course is for you. In person attendance will meet at various SniffSpot locations around San Diego or you can participate virtually following along the lessons in a Facebook Group for this specific course. Mary Puppins will check in privately with each student mid week as well. Dog Whistle is included for building a recall without straining your voice!


$125/ 3 class course

$50/ drop in class

 Saturdays 10am



These courses typically require 3 classes to cover all the skills to improve these aspects of your dogs training journey.  Mary Puppins will give you the exercises each class you attend to work on while other students may be focusing on another task. 



Joyful Walks Guide

Learn the skills needed to transform your walks from stressful to joyful! We are going to ditch the traditional walk and focus on getting a walk you and your dog will look forward to. Loose leash skills, decompression walks, adventures and how to make the most out of a short walk to improve the quality of the walk as it's really not about the quantity of the walk when you're both miserable. In person attendance will meet at various SniffSpot locations around San Diego or you can participate virtually following along the lessons in a Facebook Group for this specific course. Mary Puppins will check in privately with each student mid week as well.


$125/ 3 class course

$50/ drop in class

Saturdays 10am





Fitness Pawtners

Enjoy this fun course to build an exciting relationship with your best friend.  Ditch the boring dog walk and improve the physical health of you both. You'll learn exercises you can do together to keep you both fit and able to enjoy a long life together. Exercises will have many options to allow everyone to participate. Great for high energy breeds!  In person attendance will meet at various SniffSpot locations around San Diego or you can participate virtually following along the lessons in a Facebook Group for this specific course. Mary Puppins will check in privately with each student mid week as well.


$125/ 3 class course

$50/ drop in class

Saturdays 10 am




Prison to Palace

This is the perfect course if your dog needs help settling and relaxing. We'll cover how to make your dog view their kennel/ bed as a palace instead of a prison. It is essential for teaching our dogs how to settle in public settings for those that want to go to restaurants and picnics. 


$125/ 3 class course

$50/ single class

Saturdays 10am


Enrichment Meet Ups

Clients are invited to join in on these adventures, prices vary depending on the experience. To enroll please fill out a client form and note which event you wish to attend. 


DIY Training Courses​

These training courses are offered for dog owners that want to take control of their own training and join the "Gamechanger Community"! As a Pro Dog Trainer/ Partner affiliated with the Absolute Dog Academy, I will be available to assist and mentor if you do any of the following courses, most which are under $50! 


*The Sexier Than a Squirrel 25 Day Challenge 

*Stop Barking Mini Course 

*Stop Pulling Mini Course 

*Stop Stealing Mini Course

*Stop Reactivity Mini Course

*Stop Jumping Mini Course

*Stop Separation Anxiety Mini Course

*Confidence Circuits

and more

*FREE Rescue Dog Resource Guides


*The Absolute Dogs Games Club (Ask Me When Doors Open to join!) $40/month

or $65/month to include Absolute Dogs Agility Academy 


Sexier Than a Squirrel: STAS


Sexier Than a Squirrel

 25 Day Challenge

This is where Mary Puppins Dog Training all began! The STAS Challenge helped transform Stephanie's dog Juniper and how she approached training for all her dogs and clients. 

Each day unlocks a video introducing a new game to play that teaches your dog to value you over every squirrel, kid on a scooter, barking dog across the street or any other pesky distraction. 



Sexier Than a Squirrel 


Are you a podcast person? You've got to check out the Sexier Than a Squirrel Podcast! Tom and Lauren are amazing hosts that have great training solutions for all kinds of struggles. Tune in each Tuesday for new episodes to bring real life results towards your dog owning dream!

"Love, Love, Love - so kind and helpful with my pup - great ideas to get your dog to listen. Mary Puppins is GREAT!"

-Sondi, Zorro and Manny's mom

Absolute Dogs' DIY Courses



Stop Barking

Help your dog reduce and cease their desire to bark at distractions. Imagine your dog ignoring the doorbell, coming back from barking at the window while you shower, and not be bothered to bark back at that dog across the street. 



Stop Stealing

"What's in your mouth?" Sound too familiar? Instead of having to tackle your dog to retrieve any inappropriate items they have taken, we'll help you set up management tactics and in the moment exercises to successfully turn your thief into the best pooch ever!

Stop Pulling​

Does your dog yank your arm out of socket, do they tangle themselves around you contstantly or are they hurting themselves pulling at their collar?

Now imagine going on a walk and suddenly having to double check your dog is still attached to the leash in your hand as you don't feel any pressure because they've been walking so nicely next to you the whole time. 


Stop Jumping

Does it feel like your dog's legs are made of springs? Perhaps they have gotten so excited to greet guests they have knocked them down. Or ruined your nice clothes with muddy paws. 

Let's rewrite the greeting protocol here!


Confidence Circuits

Help transform your dog into their SUPERHERO self! Confidence Circuits are great for boosting optimism, confidence (duh Stephanie), body awareness and power over their brain. These games can be played indoors or outside when your dog may need a break from the big, scary world until they are ready to defeat their villians. 

Your Rescue Dog

This FREE, yes FREE, resource is available for anyone that has welcomed a new dog (rescue or not) into their home. 

Some of you may have heard of the rule of 3's for new dogs:

3 days to decompress

3 weeks to learn your lifestyle

3 months to integrate into their new home and life



Stop Reactivity


Stop Separation Anxiety

If you're finding your dog's emotions to be a roller coaster and struggling to identify what suddenly makes them "explode", then this course is for you. Find out what makes dog's react, how we can change their perceptions and what to do in the moment to help them find peace. 

Separation Related Struggles can really take a toll out on your dog and you. Find out ways you can help your dog build confidence being alone and peace of mind when you have to step out. 



Absolute Dogs' Games Club


What is The

Absolute Dogs'

Games Club

The Absolute Dogs Games Club is perfect for dog owners that want to take their dogs training journey into their own hands! Think of it as the Netflix for dog training; search for games and training resources based off of struggles or concepts needed. 


*300+games and training resources

*new games added weekly

*supportive Facebook community

*Transformation Planner


$40/month, cancel anytime

Current Games Club students can add on the Absolute Dogs Agility Academy for +$15/month for all thinkgs in dog agility

Doors only open a few times a year, email to stay in the loop of when you can join!

Mini Courses Included

Nifty Solutions Included

Nifty Solutions is the journey of border collie pup, Nifty, being raised through games and concept based training. See how lead trainers tackle common puppyhood issues and prepare your dog for their adult life. 


What our dogs and their owners are saying

Very friendly and knowledgeable. She really helped my dog stop jumping a lot, along with other things. The jumping was my main concern and the very next day I noticed changes in my dog.

Ester, Loki's mom

Stephanie was incredibly fun, thoughtful and engaging both with myself and when my puppy. She even checked in with me a few days later! I'll be contacting her in the future as training continues. 


Russell, Disco's dad

© 2022 Mary Puppins Dog Training

Photography Credit to Tommy Todd​


San Diego, CA​

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